Akuma Head: Face Nose - Base=049 Figure=03 Eyes - Base=021 Figure=03 V=194 S=226 B=184 Mouth - Base=010 Figure=03 Hair Base - Parts=012 Figure=011 V=125 S=233 B=144 Upper Body: Base - Parts=008 Figure=01 Hands Both - Parts=007 Fingers=001 V=130 S=200 B=64 Vest - Parts=004 Figure=01 V=144 S=128 B=060 (HIDDEN) Accessories - Parts=075 V=215 S=255 B=100 Lower Body: Pants - Parts=051 V=140 S=114 B=052 Accessories Accessories - Parts=012 V=142 S=129 B=056 Belt - Parts=019 V=0 S=127 B=100 Skin Color - V=128 S=109 B=080 Figure: Upper Body Chest - M=136 W=136 T=136 Arms (both) - M=146 W=146 T=146 Forearms (both) - M=147 W=147 T=147 Wrists (both) - M=137 W=137 T=137 hands (both) - M=149 W=149 T=149 Height - 653 As far as moves I gave him unknown V and modified it for a few moves I like, and a few SF'ish moves. Akuma Hadouken taunt Base: Base 1 - Others 019 Base 2 - Others 019 Modify Upper: DELETE EVERYTHING and start in first block Move Right 7 = 373 Move Right 12 more = 384 Move Right 5 more = 384 Move Right 3 more = 401 Move Right 2 more (end space) = 402 Akuma Win Taunt Base 1 Others No.44 Base 2 Rear No.2 Modify Upper Move Right 2 = 384 Move Right 5 more = DELETE Move Right 7 more = 384 Move Right 9 more = 373 Move Right 3 more = DELETE Move Right 1 more = 9 Move Right 2 more (end space)= 9 -------------------------------------- Ash Head: Face Nose - Base=026 Figure=04 Eyes - Base=010 Figure=04 V=218 S=120 B=128 Mouth - Base=048 Figure=04 Hair Base - Parts=021 Figure=007 V=128 S=128 B=072 Accessories Accessories - Parts=010 V=128 S=128 B=128 Upper Body: Tatoo - Parts=068 V=128 S=255 B=180 Shirts - Parts=092 Figure =03 Length=37 V=128 S=128 B=128 Wrist Bands Right - Parts=002 Length=122 V=014 S=128 B=128 Left - Parts=008 Length=040 V=0 S=128 B=100 Hands RIGHT - Parts=004 Fingers=008 V=128 S=0 B=100 Accessories - Parts=023 V=128 S=128 B=136 Lower Body: Feet - Parts=032 V=140 S=101 B=112 Pants - Parts=013 V=0 S=090 B=116 Belt - Parts=007 V=128 S=128 B=128 Figure: Upper Body Wrists (RIGHT) - M=163 W=163 T=163 hands (RIGHT) - M=200 W=200 T=200 Well, no chainsaw hand, but we do have the funky metal hand. -------------------------------------- Darth Maul Head: Face: Nose: 1 Figure 2 Eyes: 42 Mouth: 1 Accessories: Paint: 10 (128,164,128) Accessories: 20 (97,219,128) Hat: 44 (128,0,44) Upper Body: Shirt: 40 Normal 1 (127,128,0,28) Wrist Band (Both): 17 (52,128,0,28) Hands (Both): 1 (128,0,0) Vest: 4 (128,0,36) Lower Body: Feet: Shoes: 4 Normal 1 (69,128,0,76) Tights: 2 (128,128,0,72) Accessories: Accessories: 12 (128,0,36) Belt: 19 (128,0,100) Skin Color: Adv Colors (128,0,20) -------------------------------------- Dr. Doom Head: Face Eyes - Base=011 Figure=01 Accessories Accessories - Parts=035 V=128 S=0 B=136 Mask Base - Parts=003 Figure=01 V=128 S=0 B=084 Accessories - Parts=025 Figure=020 V=128 S=0 B=092 (HIDDEN) Hat - Parts=044 Figure=020 V=64 S=107 B=128 Upper Body: T-shirts Base - Parts=001 Figure=01 Length=127 V=128 S=010 B=120 Shirts - Parts=040 Length=36 V=089 S=128 B=128 Wrist Bands Both - Parts=008 Length=054 V=128 S=0 B=148 Elbow Pads Both - Parts=002 V=128 S=0 B=140 Hands Both - Parts=004 Fingers=001 V=128 S=0 B=128 Lower Body: Feet Shoes - Parts=004 Length=68 V=128 S=010 B=112 Tights - Parts=012 V=128 S=128 B=112 Short Pants - Parts=018 V=056 S=128 B=128 Belt - Parts=009 V=251 S=128 B=128 Figure: Upper Body Chest - M=150 W=150 T=150 Abdoman - M=136 W=136 T=136 Arms - M=160 W=160 T=160 Forearms - M=150 W=150 T=150 Wrists - M=136 W=136 T=136 hands - M=159 W=159 T=159 Lower Body Thighs - M=146 W=146 T=146 Legs - M=149 W=149 T=149 Ancles - M=138 W=138 T=138 Feet - M=138 W=138 T=138 Height - 668 -------------------------------------- Ghost Rider Head: Face Eyes - Base=001 Figure=01 V=128 S=128 B=0 Hair Base - Parts=073 Figure=020 V=135 S=186 B=140 Forhead - Parts=020 Figure=020 V=135 S=150 B=148 Accessories Paint - Base=008 Figure=01 V=128 S=0 B=128 Accessories - Base=027 Figure=01 V=128 S=0 B=0 Mask Accessories - Parts=025 Figure=020 V=128 S=128 B=128 (HIDDEN) Upper Body: Shirts - Parts=040 Figure=01 Length =127 V=128 S=0 B=044 Wrist Band Both - Parts=019 Length=74 V=128 S=0 B=064 Hands Both - Parts=002 Fingers=008 V=128 S=0 B=112 Vest - Parts=010 Figure=01 V=189 S=132 B=132 Jacket - Parts=010 LENGTH=110 V=027 S=170 B=120 Lower Body: Feet Shoes - Parts=008 LENGTH=60 V=128 S=009 B=052 Tights - Parts=048 LENGTH=128 V=128 S=128 B=128 (HIDDEN) Belt - Parts=002 V=128 S=095 B=128 Skin Color - V=128 S=128 B=012 Figure: Upper Body Chest - M=140 W=140 T=140 Arms (both) - M=140 W=140 T=140 Height - 676 As far as moves, give him what you want, but for entrance make it Showdowman 3 and Kane's music. -------------------------------------- PaRappa Head: Face Nose - Base=038 Figure=03 Eyes - Base=082 Figure=03 V=128 S=128 B=000 Mouth - Base=080 Figure=03 Mask Horns - Parts=027 Figure=005 V=128 S=128 B=036 (ears) Hat - Parts=036 Figure=005 V=227 S=128 B=128 Upper Body: T-Shirt Base - Parts=004 V=128 S=128 B=128 Lower Body: Feet Shoes - Parts=033 V=128 S=128 B=128 Pants - Parts=027 V=128 S=128 B=096 Skin Color: Skin - V=128 S=080 B=252 Figure: Head - M=109 W=168 T=050 Upper Body Chest - M=089 W=128 T=050 Abdomen - M=096 W=142 T=050 Arms - M=089 W=128 T=050 Forarms - M=089 W=128 T=050 Wrists - M=089 W=128 T=050 Hands - M=094 W=128 T=060 Lower Body Waist - M=095 W=141 T=050 Thighs - M=133 W=215 T=050 Legs - M=140 W=231 T=050 Ancles - M=101 W=153 T=050 Feet - M=089 W=128 T=050 Height - 568 -------------------------------------- Pikachu When Starting: Pick Type 3 (Super Heavy-Weight Body) Head: Face Nose - Base=001 Figure=20 Eyes - Base=056 Figure=20 V=128 S=128 B=128 (Only eyebrow position matters) Mouth - Base=108 Figure=20 Hair Base - Parts=Remove Figure=010 Mask Horns - Parts=033 Figure=010 V=137 S=220 B=128 (ears) Hat - Parts=044 Figure=010 V=255 S=135 B=252 (Hides Real Ears) Glasses - Parts=033 Figure=020 V=128 S=128 B=128 Upper Body: Base - Parts=006 Hands - Fingers=008 Lower Body: Underwear - Parts=001 V=010 S=255 B=252 Skin Color: Skin - V=155 S=170 B=128 Figure: Lower Body Waist = M=175 W=180 T=171 Feet = M=216 W=216 T=216 Height = 569 -------------------------------------- Scorpion Head: Face Eyes - Base=037 Figure=04 V=128 S=0 B=255 Accessories Accessories - Parts=044 V=164 S=255 B=144 Mask Accessories - Parts=025 Figure=002 V=128 S=219 B=128 Hat - Parts=044 V=128 S=0 B=048 Upper Body: Base - Parts=008 Figure=02 Shirts - Parts=040 V=128 S=0 B=036 Wrist Bands Both - Parts=013 Length=65 V=007 S=165 B=132 Hands Both - Parts=007 Fingers=001 V=163 S=255 B=128 Vest - Parts=004 Figure=02 V=010 S=255 B=128 (HIDDEN) Lower Body: Feet Socks - Parts=001 V=128 S=0 B=092 Tights - Parts=002 V=128 S=0 B=255 Short Pants - Parts=028 V=249 S=144 B=128 (HIDDEN) Accessories Accessories - Parts=001 V=255 S=205 B=180 Belt - Parts=019 V=128 S=0 B=096 Looks pretty good, except that the neck is still bare, but I couldn't find a good way to fix it. -------------------------------------- Sephiroth Head: Face Nose - Base=016 Figure=18 Eyes - Base=114 Figure=18 V=070 S=255 B=136 Mouth - Base=001 Figure=18 Hair Base - Parts=057 Figure=011 V=128 S=0 B=200 Forehead - Parts=008 Figure=011 V=128 S=0 B=128 Base - Parts=024 Figure=011 V=128 S=0 B=200 Upper Body: Shirts - Parts=069 Figure=03 V=128 S=128 B=128 Wrist Band Both - Parts=001 LENGTH=128 V=128 S=0 B=32 (Trust me) Hands - Parts=002 V=128 S=0 B=100 Vest - Parts=011 V=128 S=0 B=128 Accessories - Parts=193 V=233 S=128 B=88 Jacket - Parts=009 LENGTH=32 V=128 S=0 B=64 Lower Body: Feet Shoes - Parts=036 LENGTH=69 V=128 S=0 B=104 Tights - Parts=001 V=128 S=0 B=084 Knee Pad Both - Parts=003 V=128 S=0 B=88 Accessories Accessories - Parts=012 V=128 S=0 B=032 Belt - Parts=019 V=128 S=0 B=100 Figure: Head - M=119 W=119 T=119 Lower Body Waist - M=121 W=121 T=121 -------------------------------------- Shang Tsung Head: Face Nose - Base=09 Figure=04 Eyes - Base=010 Figure=04 V=219 S=200 B=252 Mouth - Base=102 Figure=04 Hair Base - Parts=015 Figure=003 V=128 S=088 B=120 Forehead - Parts=003 Figure=003 V=128 S=087 B=088 Back - Parts=036 Figure=003 V=0 S=082 B=064 Facial Hair - Parts=008 Figure=004 V=128 S=0 B=088 Accessories Accessories - Parts=030 Figure=004 V=128 S=128 B=0 (HIDDEN) Upper Body: Base - Parts=008 Figure=01 Shirts - Parts=055 Figure=01 V=128 S=0 B=108 Wrist Bands Both - Parts=014 LENGTH=48 V=128 S=128 B=128 Vest - Parts=001 Figure=01 V=128 S=0 B=036 Lower Body: Feet Socks - Parts=033 Figure=01 V=128 S=0 B=080 Shoes - Parts=034 Figure=01 V=128 S=0 B=064 Tights - Parts=002 LENGTH=092 V=255 S=134 B=156 Short Pants - Parts=005 LENGTH V=128 S=0 B=060 Belt - Parts=019 V=128 S=0 B=088 Figure: Upper Body Abdomen - M=120 W=120 T=120 Arms (both) - M=138 W=138 T=138 Lower Body Waist - M=122 W=122 T=122 Height - 643 -------------------------------------- Shao Kahn Head: Face Mouth - Base=102 Figure=04 Mask Accessories - Parts=011 Figure=020 V=128 S=128 B=128 Horns - Parts=030 Figure=020 V=128 S=128 B=128 Hat - Parts=044 V=233 S=128 B=080 Upper Body: Base - Parts=008 Figure=01 Shirts - Parts=031 V=128 S=128 B=128 Elbow Pads Both - Parts=017 V=128 S=128 B=128 (HIDDEN) Hands Both - Parts=003 Fingers=001 V=223 S=192 B=100 Accessories - Parts=023 Figure=01 V=128 S=128 B=128 Lower Body: Skin Base - Parts=003 Underwear - Parts=001 V=128 S=128 B=0 Feet Shoes - Parts=005 Length=36 V=128 S=128 B=128 Short Pants - Parts=028 V=219 S=135 B=112 (HIDDEN) Accessories Accessories - Parts=001 V=223 S=163 B=120 Belt - Parts=004 V=237 S=128 B=128 Figure: Upper Body Chest - M=146 W=146 T=146 Arms - M=154 W=154 T=154 Forearms - M=147 W=146 T=149 Wrists - M=134 W=134 T=134 Lower Body Thighs - M=135 W=135 T=135 Legs - M=137 W=137 T=137 Height - 701 -------------------------------------- Spawn Head: Face Eyes - Base=042 Figure=07 V=049 S=255 B=252 Hair Base - Parts=Remove Figure=002 Accessories Paint - Base=003 Figure=07 V=128 S=0 B=252 Accessories - Base=014 Figure=07 V=128 S=0 B=252 Upper Body: Shirts - Parts=026 Figure=03 V=128 S=0 B=252 Elbow Pad Right - Parts=017 V=199 S=222 B=120 (HIDDEN) part of gauntlet Left - Parts=014 V=240 S=173 B=128 Hands Right - Parts=008 Fingers=013 V=132 S=226 B=128 Left - Parts=007 Fingers=013 V=129 S=223 B=104 Jacket - Parts=009 LENGTH=32 V=128 S=0 B=64 Lower Body: Feet Socks - Parts=013 V=223 S=146 B=128 Shoes - Parts=004 LENGTH=66 V=122 S=128 B=116 Tights - Parts=021 LENGTH=33 V=128 S=0 B=076 Knee Pad Right - Parts=006 V=226 S=133 B=144 Belt - Parts=0004 V=128 S=0 B=92 Skin Color - V=128 S=0 B=016 (almost forgot it) (NOTES ON FIGURE) Used an action figure as a base for comparison, and figure has bulky right foot and claw type gauntlet on right hand, tried my best to replicate. Added standard comic book psysique Figure: Head - M=121 W=115 T=128 Upper Body Chest - M=134 W=134 T=134 Abdoman - M=121 W=121 T=121 Arms (both) - M=141 W=141 T=141 Forarm - DETAILS - RIGHT - M=172 W=165 T=180 Wrists - DETAILS - RIGHT - M=192 W=167 T=218 Hands - DETAILS - RIGHT - M=140 W=128 T=153 Lower Body Waist - M=117 W=117 T=117 Legs - DETAILS - RIGHT - M=180 W=179 T=181 Ankles - DETAILS - RIGHT - M=212 W=242 T=182 Feet - DETAILS - RIGHT - M=089 W=128 T=050 Height - 683 And there you have it. As for moves, I just gave him the rocks and changed some taunts, and the peoples elbow into the last ride. -------------------------------------- Terry Bogard Head: Face Nose - Base=018 Figure=06 Eyes - Base=025 Figure=06 Eyes - Base=006 Figure=06 Hair Base - Parts=021 Figure=006 V=140 S=163 B=172 Back - Parts=035 Figure=006 V=014 S=142 B=224 Hat - Parts=031 Figure=006 V=208 S=193 B=156 (hat looks fine, but making it red jacked up the other colors) Upper Body: Base - Parts=008 Figure=02 T-shirts Base - Parts=001 Figure=002 V=128 S=128 B=140 Hands Both - Parts=015 Fingers=001 V=128 S=128 B=100 Jacket - Parts=009 Length=35 V=232 S=173 B=128 Lower Body: Feet Shoes - Parts=033 V=128 S=128 B=128 Pants - Parts=013 V=128 S=128 B=144 Belt - Parts=007 V=128 S=128 B=128 -------------------------------------- Vampiro Head: Face Nose - Base=007 Figure=01 Eyes - Base=065 Figure=01 Mouth - Base=035 Figure=01 Hair Base - Parts=076 Figure=11 V=128 S=128 B=108 Forehead - Parts=020 Figure=11 V=128 S=11 B=44 Accessories Paint - Parts=008 V=129 S=128 B=128 Accessories - Parts=027 V=128 S=231 B=37 Upper Body: Base - Parts=M-Type 001 Figure=02 Tattoo - Parts=048 V=128 S=94 B=128 Wrist Left & Right - Parts=027 V=128 S=128 B=128 Hand Left - Parts=012 V=75 S=128 B=128 Accessories - Parts=146 V=85 S=128 B=152 (makes tattoo on left arm) Jacket - Parts=014 Length=032 V=128 S=0 B=88 Lower Body: Feet Shoes - Parts=005 Figure=Normal Length=49 V=128 S=128 B=128 Tights - Parts=002 V=255 S=0 B=92 Accessories Pattern - Parts=042 V=205 S=255 B=128 Accessories - Parts=001 V=0 S=0 B=88 Height=629 -------------------------------------- Violater (clown) Head: Face Eyes - Base=042 Figure=02 V=199 S=255 B=252 Hair Base - Parts=042 Figure=011 V=128 S=0 B=128 (HIDDEN) Accessories Paint - Base=016 Figure=02 V=033 S=169 B=100 (HIDDEN) Accessories - Base=029 Figure=02 V=050 S=068 B=252 Upper Body: Base - Parts=013 T-Shirt Base - Parts=034 Figure=01 V=043 S=128 B=100 Shirts - Parts=072 Figure=01 LENGTH=92 V=128 S=0 B=084 Lower Body: Underwear - Parts=002 Figure=02 V=128 S=143 B=104 Feet Socks - Parts=001 LENGTH=127 V=143 S=189 B=088 Shoes - Parts=008 LENGTH=59 V=128 S=128 B=128 Skin Color - Basic Skin color 1 Figure: Upper Body Chest - M=183 W=182 T=184 Abdomen - M=215 W=198 T=232 Lower Body Waist - M=201 W=187 T=215 Thighs - M=192 W=182 T=203 Legs - M=163 W=163 T=163 Ankles - M=141 W=141 T=141 Feet - M=160 W=160 T=160 Height - 568 -------------------------------------- Jeff Jarrett Head: Face Nose - Base=016 Figure=01 Eyes - Base=001 Figure=01 Mouth - Base=001 Figure=01 Hair Base - Parts=002 Figure=6 V=147 S=128 B=152 Facial Hair - Parts=001 V=148 S=128 B=132 Glasses - Parts=034 V=128 S=128 B=128 Upper Body: Standard - Original - Parts=Upper model 055 (HIDDEN) Lower Body: Standard - Original - Parts=Upper model 071 (HIDDEN) ------------------------------------------- Kevin Nash (with NWO T-shirt) Head: Face Nose - Base=002 Figure=07 Eyes - Base=030 Figure=07 Mouth - Base=019 Figure=07 Hair Base - Parts=060 Figure=11 V=128 S=128 B=52 Back - Parts=001 V=134 S=128 B=116 Facial Hair - Parts=021 V=128 S=128 B=148 Upper Body: Base - Parts=M-Type 007 Figure=02 T-shirt Base - Parts=010 V=128 S=0 B=36 Accessories - Parts=48 V=210 S=140 B=128 Elbow Pad Right only - Parts=004 V=128 S=128 B=80 Hand Both - Parts=003 FIGURE=02 V=128 S=128 B=128 Accessories - Parts=060 V=210 S=128 B=128 Lower Body: Feet Shoes - Parts=005 Figure=Normal L=50 V=128 S=128 B=128 Pants - Parts=011 V=128 S=128 B=120 (HIDDEN) Belt - Parts=007 V=128 S=128 B=128 Figure: Upper Body Abdomen - M=145 W=141 T=150 (BEER GUT;) Height=701 -------------------------------------- Sting (current) Head: Face Nose - Base=001 Figure=01 Eyes - Base=001 Figure=01 Mouth - Base=001 Figure=01 Hair Base - Parts=063 Figure=11 V=128 S=142 B=88 Facial Hair - Parts=040 V=128 S=128 B=128 Accessories Paint - Parts=008 V=128 S=128 B=128 Accessories - Parts=017 B=128 S=128 B=128 Upper Body: Base - Parts=M-Type 001 Figure=02 Shirt - Parts=025 V=128 S=0 B=0 Hand Both - Parts=010 V=128 S=128 B=128 Lower Body: Feet Shoes - Parts=005 Figure=Normal L=38 V=128 S=128 B=128 Tights - Parts=001 V=128 S=0 B=72 Accessories Pattern - Parts=042 V=128 S=0 B=128 -------------------------------------- Scott Hall (wcw) Head: Face Nose - Base=016 Figure=05 Eyes - Base=048 Figure=05 Mouth - Base=005 Figure=05 Hair Base - Parts=053 Figure=10 V=128 S=128 B=128 Back - Parts=010 Figure=10 V=128 S=128 B=112 Facial Hair - Parts=042 V=128 S=128 B=100 Upper Body: Base - Parts=M-Type 001 Figure=02 T-shirt Base - Parts=004 V=128 S=0 B=68 Accessories - Parts=48 V=128 S=0 B=128 Wrist Left & Right - Parts=001 L=48 V=128 S=87 B=128 Elbow Pad Left & Right - Parts=005 V=128 S=37 B=128 Lower Body: Feet Shoes - Parts=001 Figure=Normal L=55 V=128 S=63 B=124 Tights - Parts=021 L= 48 V=128 S=0 B=88 Knee Pad Left & Right - Parts=001 V=128 S=128 B=32 -------------------------------------- Scott Steiner Head: Face Nose - Base=002 Figure=03 Eyes - Base=001 Figure=03 Mouth - Base=006 Figure=03 Hair Base - Parts=016 Figure=3 V=128 S=128 B=128 Facial Hair - Parts=005 V=128 S=128 B=128 (HIDDEN) Glasses - Parts=011 V=128 S=128 B=128 Upper Body: Base - Parts=M-Type 008 Figure=02 Lower Body: Base - Parts=003 Feet Shoes - Parts=036 Figure=Normal L=50 V=128 S=0 B=100 Tights - Parts=002 L=61 V=128 S=128 B=72 Knee Pad Left & Right - Parts=006 V=128 S=128 B=56 Accessories Letter - Parts=132 V=220 S=128 B=128 (RED 69 ON HIP) Figure: Head - M=133 W=133 T=133 Upper Body Chest - M=150 W=150 T=150 Abdomen - M=145 W=145 T=145 Arm - M=173 W=1157 T=189 Forarm - M=174 W=174 T=174 Height=629