Jared's Multimedia Heaven - Desktop

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Desktop Themes

Feb 12, 2001
   Here are various wallpapers, icons and themes I've done over the years.


Active Wallpapers:
Active wallpapers use the windows feature of displaying a web page as your desktop image. These wallpapers use java to really give a unique look to you desktop. The files are in self-extracting zip files, and have been tested only on Win 98 machines. If you have any questions, e-mail me.

Wallpapers 800 by 600

Ashram and Pirotess - from Lodoss War

Parn and Deedlit - from Lodoss War

Parn and Deedlit 2 - from Lodoss War

Parn and Deedlit 3 - from Lodoss War

Ghost Rider - From my desktop theme

Blaze - From my desktop theme

Zarathos - From my desktop theme

coming soon...

Lord of the Rings
Lodoss War - Chronicles of the Heroic Knight


These are the icons that come with my theme, or you can
download them separatelyhere.

These are the startup/shutdown screens that come with my theme, or you can
download them separatelyhere.

and finally, here is the whole Ghost Rider Desktop theme. One of these days I'll actually get around to updating it. Probably...

All copyrighted© and trademarked™ images are property of their owners and are used totally without permission. I am in no way profiting from them, so please don't sue me.

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Thanks to David Griffiths for the Applets used on my active wallpapers.