Jared's Multimedia Heaven - Winamp Skins

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Winamp Skins

Feb 04, 2001
   Who likes drab, boring and unimaginative program windows? I don't and it appears the folks at Nullsoft don't either. Nullsoft are the developers of the best audio player on the net, Winamp. They designed Winamp to be customizable, or "skinnable", and that rules! Here are some of the different skins I've made.


All skins are arranged alphabetically. Multi theme skins are grouped alpha by theme. Scroll down for all skins or follow the links for any theme skins.

Castlevania Skins Ghost Rider Skins
Lord of the Rings Skins Lunar Skins
Metal Gear Solid Skins Record of Lodoss War Skins
Street Fighter Skins Wrestling Skins
COMING SOON!! What I'm currently working on...

people have visited this page.

All skins housed by EZ Skins!

Coming Soon...

Ghost Rider - Johnny Blaze
Lodoss War - Chronicles of the Heroic Knight
Punisher Amp
Army of Darkness Amp
Ninja Scroll Amp
Vampire Hunter D Amp
Akira Amp
Final Fantasy Tactics Amp
Shaft Amp
The Warriors Amp

e-mail me your suggestions

The boring, crappy, default skin.

If you need a place to store your file, please use http://www.ezthemes.com/submit.phtml. They will store your file and distribute the URL to a multitude of sites (They even create a preview for the file too!). This is bar-none the best way to house your themes, skins, or any other desktop enhancement. It's fast, free and reliable. Click Here to go use EZthemes, I do.

All copyrighted© and trademarked™ images are property of their owners and are used totally without permission. I am in no way profiting from them, so please don't sue me.