You want to
go were?
Ah links, the cornerstone
of any good webpage. I mean, who doesn't want to hear some stranger
ramble on about how great the different sites they go to are,
or how great their brothers/sisters/uncles/fourth removed cousins/ex-wives/12
yr. old nephew's web page is?
Oh, and by the way these are
the actual sites I usually visit and they are great. However,
I might just throw in the odd POS webpage just to throw you. Heh
heh heh...

is the best resource for gaming you can find. They have info
on EVERY game you can think of. You might find me on the messageboards
as "ghost_rider_fan"

What can I say about ign.com?
They are the BEST source for game news, and they have excellent
DVD, Sci-fi, and wrestling pages. Go there now!

Damn ebay for
allowing people to find other people selling crap that they think
they can't live without. But damn the crap I got there was cool!

The joys of streaming video/music on the Internet.Farmclub
is your best bet for both. Best of all, no damn BSB or NStink
vids! HAHAHA!

Looking for Hollywood rumors and other "movie geek"
stuff? Harry is your best bet at "Ain't
it cool news"

Or maybe cold, hard movie facts are what you're looking for. Then
the "Internet
Movie Database" is your new best friend. They have information
on EVERYTHING movie related. I'm not kidding, they have it all!
Go find out!! Now!!!

Gaming rules. It has emulator info, gaming worship sites,
and all sorts of other "old-school" game information.
Be sure to check out the Castlevania
and Ninja
Gaiden game worship pages.

Looking to spend your cash on some cool anime stuff? Animenation
fits the bill perfectly. I got a kick ass Ninja Scroll "wall
scroll" there. GO SHOP NOW!!!

Now, I don't know about you, but I LOVE DVD! But I don't like
paying for it. Well, that is where "DVD
Price Search" comes in. You type in what DVD you want,
and it searches lots of sites for your DVD and list all the prices.
I've saved loads of cash for this site, so go there NOW!

Tired of those boring dvd box set cases you get? You know, the
cardboard ones that belong in a cereal box? Well, so did Paul
Champagne, and he decided to do something about it. He started
making, and selling his own versions, and they are amazing. Even
Smith (Mallrats, Dogma, Chasing Amy, etc.) agreed and officially
endorsed them. Go
check them out.
Damn, that Trigun case is SWEET!!!